Co-organised by the European Distance and E-Learning Network, the EDEN Digital Learning Europe, the Institute of Educational Policy, and Ellinogermaniki Agogi in the framework of the Reflecting for Change project, the aim of the EDEN Open Classroom Conference 2021 “Real change takes place in deep crisis” is to explore the idea of “Open School” as an engaging environment that effectively introduces novel methodologies, tools and content by re-designing learning to accommodate and include difference and by bringing together families, community groups, local businesses, experts, universities, into an innovation ecosystem.
Τhe EDEN Open Classroom Conference 2021 “Real change takes place in deep crisis” will take place on 22-24 October 2021. Taking into account the special conditions under Covid19, the conference will take place with all necessary measures in the premises of EA at Pallini, while it will be available through virtual facilities (zoom and EA youtube channel). Participants will be additionally able to join at the virtual conference hall of Ellinogermaniki Agogi in Second Life.
Τhe EDEN Open Classroom Conference 2021 “Real change takes place in deep crisis” is the latest of a series of Open Classroom Conferences co-organised by Ellininogermaniki Agogi and the European Distance and E-Learning Network – EDEN in the last years:
2020: Open and Distance Education: New challenges and Perspectives
2019: Creating Conditions for Deeper Learning in Science
2017: Open Schools for Open Societies
2015: Open Discovery Space: Transforming schools into innovative learning organisations
2011: Never Waste a Crisis! Inclusive Excellence, Innovative Technologies and Transformed Schools as Autonomous Learning Organisations